Fatty Liver Treatment


Fatty liver treatment is a topic of much debate. It's commonly accepted that there is no "cure" for fatty liver, but the best way to treat the disease is still open to opinion. Fatty liver is the accumulation of fat in liver cells, possible explanations of fatty liver include the transfer of fat from other parts of the body or an increase in the extraction of fat presented to the liver from the intestine. Other explanations are that the liver reduces the rate it breaks down and removes fat, eating fatty foods does not by itself produce a fatty liver.

fatty liver treatment

There are 3 explained causes of fatty liver:

1. Caused by excessive drinking of alcohol

People who drink too much alcohol are likely to suffer from this disease, the liver can handle lots of pressure, but when it is abused, alcohol may lead to the inflammation of the liver which causes the liver to be bigger and eventually when your metabolism stops, excess fat will build up in the liver since the excess fat will go to the liver before it reaches to the blood stream. Soon after that other complications might occur, and it might be more serious and more deadly.

2. Obesity

People who are over weight and suffer from obesity, usually suffers from this sickness. Although it has not yet been proven that all obese and overweight people have this, it has also been said that even the person who is physically fit can suffer from this also.

3. Diabetes

Diabetic people suffer from this sickness since fat build ups are in their bodies because of the high sugar levels that they have.

Symptoms for this disease are:

  • Headaches and migraines, fatigue, bad breath, mood swings.
  • Lack of mental alertness, confusion, mental fogginess, depression.
  • Hypoglycaemia and unstable blood sugar (diabetes symptom).
  • Weight gain (particularly around abdomen).
  • Difficulty losing weight or following a weight loss program.
  • Constantly losing weight and gaining weight.
  • Indigestion, heartburn, reflux, bloating.
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
  • Allergies (asthma, rashes, hives and hay fever).
  • Food cravings including sugar cravings (diabetes symptom).
  • Gallstones and gallbladder disease.
  • Obesity.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Decreased sex drive.
  • Dry itchy eyes.
  • Fluid retention.

Here are 5 fat reducing remedies commonly used to treat excess fat in the liver

Epsom Salts

Epsom salts are sometimes recommended as a type of "liver flush" aimed at removing fats and toxins from liver tissues. Epsom salts work by solidifying cholesterol into small stones that are then excreted. This treatment can be done at home although some patients experience discomfort during excretion and occasionally feel sick afterward.

Milk Thistle

Milk thistle is a herb containing silymarin which is a liver-friendly compound with excellent antioxidant properties. Milk thistle treatment aims at protecting the liver from damage and toxins and also assists in regenerating damaged hepatocytes (liver cells). It keeps the liver healthy so the liver can better deal with conditions like fatty liver and cirrhosis.

Vitamin E and Vitamin C

The third liver remedy is vitamin E and vitamin C supplements. Much like silymarin in milk thistle, these serve as antioxidants to protect the liver from damage and deterioration.

Prescription Drugs

A wide variety of drugs have been prescribed as ways to treat fatty liver. They generally aim at combating problems resulting from a damaged liver. These include drugs like:
Orlistat, Metformin, Rosiglitazone, Pioglitazone, Gemfibrozil, Atorvastatin, Pravastatin

Diet And Exercise

By far the most common and widely accepted treatment for reducing fat in the liver is proper diet and exercise. This remedy also still has the most positive results for improving and sometimes even reversing the condition. Controlling excess fat in the liver through this method focuses on a combination of removing fatty foods from the diet and following an exercise program for gradual weight reduction. This method improves overall health and not just the health of your liver.

Here are some list of foods to be avoided so that fatty liver won't get worse

Diary food products

Avoid eating too much chocolates and other dairy products such as drinking high fat milk, eating cookies, mayonnaise, peanut butter, butter, and cheese. All of these contain high saturated fats.

Avoid as much as possible red meat

Its hard to get rid of eating read meat, especially if you are not a vegetarian, but try as much as possible to avoid it. Red meat causes high blood pressure due to toxic substances and chemicals digested by the animals prior to processing. When you have a fatty liver it is highly advised that you should not eat red meat until it is treated since, excess fat has been through your system and with the combination of high blood pressure, it may lead to a heart attack or even death.

Avoid Coconut oil and palm oil

These "tropical oils" are very high in saturated fat. It is better to use olive oil, it may be expensive, but at least it safer than the tropical oils.

Avoid foods that are high in sugar

Foods that are high in sugar are also high in calories, this causes you to gain weight and eventually gives excess fat which will go to your liver.

Avoid fried foods

As much as possible, avoid fried foods, they are sources of high fatty acids and mostly high in cholesterol.

Avoid Hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils 

Avoid purchasing "junk foods" that use hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils. These junk foods include doughnuts, french fries and burgers. If you still want to eat them have a special request on changing their oils.

Avoid High-fat microwave pizzas, popcorn or other snacks 

Although some are safe enough to eat, but you decide which is which. In general avoid foods that are meaty or contain red meat and are fried.

Fatty liver is actually a normal condition unless it will reach its extreme condition. Don't wait for it to happen, repair your liver immediately! Diagnose now and treat soon!

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Fatty Liver Treatment